In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential tool for politicians to engage with constituents, spread their message, and connect with new audiences. President Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States, has embraced this trend by utilizing TikTok, a popular social media platform, to engage withRead More → The Top Five Regrets Of A Retiree It is easy to identify things you could have done differently knowing what you know today. If only we had a crystal ball, life could be so much easier. Well, it is not a crystal ball, but we do have those whoRead More → Toxicity In Human Behaviour Protect yourself by identifying toxic people early. A toxic person is anyone whose behavior adds negativity and upset to your life. Many times, people who are toxic are dealing with their own stresses and traumas. To do this, they act in ways that don’t presentRead More →

Why is there not a bridge or tunnel connected from Vancouver Island to the Mainland?   Story by Trans BC It’s been raised many times in the past, and it’ll likely continue to be a hot topic as long as Vancouver Island remains separated from the mainland (which will probablyRead More → Controlling Your Own Life Your thoughts have a tremendous impact on your life. They shape your experiences and create your reality. The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your life. When you focus on positive thoughts, you attract positive experiences, and when you focus on negative thoughts,Read More →

No!!! The concept of “sovereign citizens” often refers to a fringe political movement whose adherents believe that they are not subject to government laws or taxes. They typically assert that they are “sovereign individuals” and therefore not bound by the same legal obligations as the rest of society. However, thisRead More → To never quit means to persist in the face of adversity and to keep trying even when things get tough. It means to have the courage to pursue your goals and dreams, even when the path ahead seems uncertain or difficult. It means to be resilient and to keepRead More → Successful people are able to utilize competition to motivate, but avoid falling prey to jealousy. 1. Hard Work and Persistence 2. Continuous Learning and Adaptability If you liked these podcasts and got some value from it, hit “Like”, “Subscribe” and leave a “Comment” in the comments section of whereRead More → Gratitude is a positive emotion that involves being thankful and appreciative and is associated with several mental and physical health benefits. When you experience gratitude, you feel grateful for something or someone in your life and respond with feelings of kindness, warmth, and other forms of generosity. Common practicesRead More → ‘Procrastination is the thief of time’. It’s perhaps one of the best-known proverbs in the English language, and as with most proverbs, the temptation is to ascribe it to that prolific author, ‘Anon.’ But as with another favourite axiom, ‘better to have loved and lost than never to haveRead More →